If you are here, you are already a little familiar with Magpie Bath and our products. Maybe you are a die-hard fan, or maybe browsing around to see if anything catches your eye. Either way, Hello, and welcome!
I wanted to take a minute to talk about quality. It is easy for any company to say that their product or service is the best, but much harder to back that up with evidence.
That being said, there are tons of amazing bath companies, local and big box store alike. There are also some that are not as great. (Ask me about the one my big sister brought me home from Florida that made me feel like a chicken chunk in a big tub of soup!)
So what makes a great bath bomb? My check list is as follows:
- Doesn’t stain my skin or tub, or leave reside in the tub
- Smells nice but not too overpowering
- Makes my skin feel soft
- Doesn’t leave my tub way slippery
- Fizzes for a decent amount of time
When I create my products, I keep these things in mind. I often do test other companies’ products to see how mine stack up, and also just because I like some of them. I won’t name any names, but I have definitely had some bath fails with other products, and even my own in the beginning.
Some of the features that I think make Magpie Bath great are:
- NO CORNSTARCH- This leaves a white residue in the bottom of the tub. It is bad for the plumbing, and not great for lady parts either.
- NO PARABENS, PTHALATES etc- I don’t want to be marinating in a chemical soup! There is no need for chemical preservatives in something that is best used within 6 months anyway (for maximum fizziness)
- NO TUB STAINING- there is nothing worse than a permanently stained tub or skin. The colours we use don’t do this, and the emulsifier I will talk about in the next point helps with colour distribution as well. Sometimes if the tub isn’t fully cleaned before you get in, the colours can tint any soap reside around the edges of the tub, but a quick wipe down will get rid of that.
- NO SLIPPING AND DYING- Dying is generally not the goal, and slipping in the tub after a nice relaxing bath makes it not so relaxing anymore (as anyone who has slipped and “almost died” can attest to). We use an emulsifier called Polysorbate 80 (it’s in some breads too) that helps the oils mix in with the water. This helps the oils get all over your skin (not just float on top of the water) and also does not all sit on the bottom of the tub when you are trying to get out.
- NO FLOATY BITS- we don’t add grainy things to our bath bombs that don’t dissolve and get stuck to your skin. We do have the occasional one with lavender or rose petals, but you can see them, so you know they will be in there and can choose to use a strainer if you need to. We do sometimes have glitter bombs, and use an eco friendly glitter. (Which, again, you can see) Generally speaking tho, you won’t need a shower after your bath (unless you want one of course)
- Safe for kids (and doggos, kittehs or whoever else you wanna bring in the tub with you- We don’t have a lot of weirdo “what the hell is this thing” chemicals that don’t need to be in there, so there are totally safe, even for creatures that might try to drink some of the water. (Still don’t eat them, they will taste gross and you will look like you have rabies)
- PETA APPROVED- no animal ingredients, and no animal testing, so you never have to worry.
- HANDMADE IN CANADA- I almost always forget this one, cos like, I love here so where else would they be made….? But some people like to know this.
- BUBBLE BATH BUILT IN! – We use a coconut derived surfectant, which not only makes bubbles when you run the water, but actually gets your kids clean too!
Can you think of any other reasons you love Magpie Bath? Feel free to comment them below!
<3 you all!
Comments (2)
Once it’s diluted in a tubful of water, how can it get kids (or anyone) clean? Are you supposed to rub skin or a washcloth with the bomb like a cake of soap?
That is a great question! The SLSA (coconut derived surfectant) actually does help clean the skin. It obviously wont be the same as if you washed with a bar of soap, but think of it like when you leave dishes to soak in a sink full of soapy water. They do still get cleaner that if you just rinsed them. 🙂 Hope this answers your question.